CCSP Research

Information for patients being asked to take part in the collaborative care and support planning insight work

As your local GP practice we’re committed to ensuring we work with you as well as our partners to continually make improvements to the services you receive. We are currently working with NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group (responsible for planning and funding the majority of local health services), Leeds GP Confederation and Leeds City Council on a piece of research work and we need your help.

We are working with an independent research company called Qa Research Ltd, who have been asked to find out more about your experiences of an annual review process for people living with one or more long-term conditions such as diabetes, heart disease or respiratory disease. This review forms part of a service called collaborative care and support planning (CCSP).

The CCSP process is for people with a long-term condition to help them manage this effectively over a 12 month period. The process involves two appointments. At the first appointment we carry out some health tests and at the second appointment we focus on what’s important for you and set goals, as identified by you, for the following year.

It’s your choice if you want to take part in the research however by doing so you’ll be helping us make changes that could help you as well as other people in Leeds. It’s entirely up to you if you’d like to take part and it’s really important for you to know that everything you say will remain confidential and information that could identify you will never be shared with your GP practice, NHS Leeds CCG or Leeds City Council.

To thank you for your time, Qa Research will offer you a small payment for out of pocket expenses of either £15 (telephone interview) or £35 (focus group) which they will confirm with you. Please note if you’re in receipt of benefits or declare income to HMRC, you may need to declare this as an income. There are a limited number of places available so please get in touch as soon as you can.

If you’d like to take part please get in touch with Qa Research on Freephone 0800 980 9030 or email

Data security

Qa Research Ltd follows the Market Research Society’s Code of Conduct and is committed to ensuring your data is used and stored in line with all data protection regulations including GDPR. You can find out more about their commitment to this here: You can find more information about how they will use your data for research and quality control purposes in their privacy notice here: